Protecting Our Water, Our Land, Our Communities

Nashua River Canoe and Kayak Guide Order Form

NRWA's "Nashua River Canoe and Kayak Guide (6th Edition)" provides clear and concise information on locations to put-in and take-out, river hazards like dams and rapids, portages, and mile-by-mile notes for all paddleable segments of the Nashua, Nissitissit, Squannacook, North Nashua, and Stillwater Rivers.  The “Guide” is full color, 120-pages, spiral bound for easy use, and pocket-sized to fit in your jacket pocket or backpack (4.5” x 6”).  Price is $20 per Guide, plus shipping and handling.

To order quantities of 4 or more, please email to determine shipping costs. If emailing, please include the quantity you wish to purchase and the mailing address.  

If you shipping address is different than your billing address, please type your shipping address info in the Comments section.

Note: You will Submit your order by clicking on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page.

Donation Information
$ 23.92
$ 43.92
$ 63.92
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© 2012 Nashua River Watershed Association, Inc.